
In recent years, machine learning (ML) has gained significant popularity in the field of chemical informatics and electronic structure theory. These techniques often require researchers to engineer abstract ``features'' that encode chemical concepts into a mathematical form compatible with the input to machine-learning models. However, there is no existing tool to connect these abstract features back to the actual chemical system, making it difficult to diagnose failures and to build intuition about the meaning of the features. We present ElectroLens, a new visualization tool for high-dimensional spatially-resolved features to tackle this problem. The tool visualizes high-dimensional data sets for atomistic and electron environment features by a series of linked 3D views and 2D plots. The tool is able to connect different derived features and their corresponding regions in 3D via interactive selection. It is built to be visually attractive, scalable, and integrate with existing infrastructure.



Latest Stable version (Coming Soon!)


Latest Test version (Coming Soon!)


Github Page

Quick Start

It's easier than you think

Installation (from source)

  1. Install latest nodejs and npm
  2. Clone the github repo
  3. Delete node_modules folder if exists
  4. Install dependencies by typing npm install
  5. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start

Example 1: visualize benzene electronic structure

Benzene 3D View
View Configuration

  • Loading the 3D view
    • With predefined configuration file
      1. Go to "ElectroLens/Examples/example_configuration_files/"
      2. Open the "view_setp_example1.json" file with a text editor
      3. Go to line 8 ("dataFilename" for "spatiallyResolvedData") and change it to the full path of "/Examples/example_data/C6H6_electron_desnity_with_descriptors.csv"
      4. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start
      5. In "Upload Configuration File" (green box), click "Choose File" and upload "view_setp_example1.json"

    • Manually define configuration
      1. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start
      2. In Setup configuration (blue box) check Spatially Resolved Data?
      3. In the List of Properties for Spatially Resolved Data text area below, enter "x, y, z, rho, gamma, epxc, deriv1, deriv2" (no quotation mark)
      4. In View 1, upload the "CO2_electron_desnity_with_descriptors.csv" file in "ElectroLens/Examples/example/data"
      5. Leave the rest as default (as shown in the picture Above), and click Submit

  • View Customization
    1. Once you have the 3D view, you can customize it via the option box on the left
    2. PBC: add periodic replicates
    3. Point Cloud Control: customize point cloud view
      • Color basis - property coded by color
      • Color scheme - scheme for color code
      • Density - density of the point cloud
      • Size - size of each point
      • Color scale min/max - adjust color scale
      • Point cloud legend - adjust the legend
    4. Slider Control: set the spatial ranges of data to be visualized

Example 2: 2D Plots and Selection

Benzene 2D plots and selection

  • Add 2D plots
    • On the fly
      1. Start ElectroLens and load the 3D view as in Example 1
      2. Simply press a or + to add a 2D plot
      3. Adjust the X, Y axis properties and scales via the option box of the plot
      4. Remember to click Update Plot to reflect the changes

    • Pre-defined configuration file
      1. Go to "ElectroLens/Examples/example_configuration_files/"
      2. Open the "view_setp_example2.json" file with a text editor
      3. Go to line 8 ("dataFilename" for "spatiallyResolvedData") and change it to the full path of that file (as in example 1)
      4. Go to line 14 - 17 to change the X, Y axis properties and X, Y axis scales respectively
      5. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start
      6. In "Upload Configuration File" (green box), click "Choose File" and upload "view_setp_example2.json"

  • 2D plots Customization
    1. Once you have the 2D plots, you can customize them via the option boxes of each plot
    2. Plot Setting
      • Resolution - resolution of the heat map
      • Update Plot - update the 2D plot. *** MUST CLICK to reflect any changes in "Plot Setting" ***
      • X - X axis property
      • X - X axis scale
      • Y - Y axis property
      • Y - Y axis scale
      • Select All - select all data points
      • Deselect All - deselect all data points
    3. View Control: change the color scheme and point sizes of the plot

  • Selection
    To select points on the 2D plot and show the corresponding region in the 3D view
    1. Deselect all datapoints, the 3D view should now be blank
    2. In the option box of 2D plot, go to Selection and check with plane (or press 1 for shortcut)
    3. Drag seletion box on the 2D plot to selection datapoints
    4. Try with the other option: Select with brush (press 2 for shortcut)

Example 3: visualize MD trajectory of 15 water

Water cluster 3D View
View Configuration

  • Loading the 3D view
    • With predefined configuration file
      1. Go to "ElectroLens/Examples/example_configuration_files/"
      2. Open the "view_setp_example3.json" file with a text editor
      3. Go to line 7 ("dataFilename" for "moleculeData") and change it to the full path of that file
      4. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start
      5. In "Upload Configuration File" (green box), click "Choose File" and upload "view_setp_example3.json"

    • Manually define configuration
      1. Start ElectroLens by typing npm start
      2. In Setup configuration (blue box) check Molecular Data? and Framed Data?
      3. In the List of Properties for Molecular Data text area below, enter "x, y, z, atom, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, frame" (no quotation mark)
      4. In View 1, upload the 15_water_MD_with_Gaussian_fingerprints.csv file in "ElectroLens/Examples/example/data"
      5. Change the system dimemsion to be 0 for xmin, ymin, zmin and 25 for xmax, ymax, zmax
      6. Leave the rest as default (as shown in the picture Above), and click Submit

  • View Customization
    1. Once you have the 3D view, you can customize it via the option box on the left
    2. Drag the "Current Frame" bar in "View Control" to view different images in the trajectory
    3. PBC: add periodic replicates
    4. Molecule Control: customize point cloud view
      • Atom style - style for drawing atoms (sprite is the much cheaper option)
      • Bond style - style for drawing atoms (line is the much cheaper option)
      • Color basis - property coded by color
      • Color scale min/max - adjust color scale
      • Size basis - property coded by atom size
      • Size scale min/max - adjust color atom size
      • Bond max/min - the max/min distance to draw bonds between 2 atoms
      • Molecule legend - adjust the legend

Example 4: 2D Plots and Selection for Molecular Data

Water cluster 2D plots and selection

  • Add 2D plots
    • On the fly
      1. Start ElectroLens and load the 3D view as in Example 3
      2. Simply press a or + to add a 2D plot
      3. Adjust the X, Y axis properties and scales via the option box of the plot
      4. Remember to click Update Plot to reflect the changes

  • 2D plots Customization
    1. Once you have the 2D plots, you can customize them via the option boxes of each plot
    2. Plot Setting
      • Resolution - resolution of the heat map
      • Update Plot - update the 2D plot. *** MUST CLICK to reflect any changes in "Plot Setting" ***
      • X - X axis property
      • X - X axis scale
      • Y - Y axis property
      • Y - Y axis scale
      • Select All - select all data points
      • Deselect All - deselect all data points
    3. View Control: change the color scheme and point sizes of the plot

  • Selection
    To select points on the 2D plot and show the corresponding region in the 3D view
    1. Deselect all datapoints, the 3D view should now be blank
    2. In the option box of 2D plot, go to Selection and check with plane (or press 1 for shortcut)
    3. Drag seletion box on the 2D plot to selection datapoints
    4. Try with the other option: Select with brush (press 2 for shortcut)

Data Structure

ElectroLens uses csv (comma separated value) as the default file type for data
Depend on the type of descriptors (electronic structure or atomistic), slightly different properties are needed
To visualize framed data (trajectories for atoms or electronic structures), one extra property is needed

  • Electronic Structure Data
    Data structure for electronic structure data
    • Each row corresponds to a data point, and each column corresponds to a property
    • Properties x, y, z and a property that corresponds to [density] (in this case "rho") are needed

  • Atomistic Data
    Data structure for atomistic data
    • Each row corresponds to a data point, and each column corresponds to a property
    • Properties x, y, z and atom (symbol for the corresponding element) are needed

  • Framed Data
    Data structure for framed data
    • If the data to be visualized is framed (e.g. trajectory), simply add a column that corresponds to the [frame number] (in this case "frame")
    • You can give it any name, just remember to specify it on the configuration form
    • Works not only for atomistic trajectories, but also electronic structure trajectories


Short paper

SPARC: Accurate and efficient finite-difference formulation and parallel implementation of Density Functional Theory: Extended systems


Meet our developers

Dr. Andrew J. Medford

Principal Investigator
Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Duen Horng (Polo) Chau

Principal Investigator
Georgia Institute of Technology


Xiangyun (Ray) Lei

Lead Developer
Georgia Institute of Technology

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